Friday, May 27, 2011

Featured Artist:: Melinda Hagman::

I'm so excited to feature Melinda Hagman today on the blog! She is a friend of mine and Jesse's and is super talented. I love her art because it's new and fresh, the idea of doing a painting a week on a theme or topic is so interesting, it's amazing to see what her mind produces. This is definitely a project I enjoy following, I hope you do to. My favorites are Week's 17, 19, & 21. Enjoy.


Amber: Why did you decide to do this "flowers" project and how long are you doing it for?

Melinda: I got the idea for the "flowers" project from a friend.  He was writing a short story once a week for the year.  It was the first week of the year and I had just painted one flower painting and the idea hit me.  So, I told my friend that I was going to steal his idea and do a flower painting once a week for the year.  It was exactly what I needed to do.  I had stopped painting after my first child was born almost eight years ago.  For the last 3 years I have been saying, "I should start painting again."  I would do maybe one painting and then that was it.  Now I have made a promise and that I will keep.

I chose only to do "flowers" because I wanted to challenge myself.  It would be easier if I painted whatever I wanted every week; the challenge of making flowers different each week and playing with different styles and just to practice was my goal.

Amber: What or who inspires you?

Melinda: Van Gogh and Picasso (Picasso's blue period) are the two artists that have influenced me most.  I also love Marc Chagall and Egon Schiele.  They all have such a way to convey emotion through their art and that is what attracts me to them.  Music also inspires me, the sadder the better - violins are always good (i.e.. Warren Ellis.) 

Amber: How long have you been into art?

Melinda: My first memory of wanting to be an artist was in junior high.  I had painted a picture of a horse that everyone loved.  I remember clearly one of the teachers telling me I should be an artist.  I believed her.  I took art classes in high school and that's almost all I took in college.  It really took me by surprise to learn you couldn't get a degree with only a bunch of art classes to show for it ;)  Also, my mom was taking art classes while I was growing up and that also influenced me.  She did such nice work, I wanted to too.

Amber: Do you do anything else besides paint?

 Melinda: I pretty much exclusively paint.  I would like to do more sketching and ink work in the near future.  I also love messing around with Photoshop;  I can waste half a day with that program.

 Flowers Week 2

 Flowers Week 6

 Flowers Week 12

Flowers Week 21

[Here is some more art by Melinda]

If you like what you see and want to purchase a piece go here ---->, Melinda's Etsy Shop 
Or if you want to keep up on Melinda's "flowers" project and other art go here ----> Art By Melinda

Jesse's Girl

Monday, May 23, 2011

a goal----> Learn how to play my banjo by October 30th.

OK so here it is, my father in law gave me a banjo because he knows how much I love that instrument and how it sounds, the thing is I don't know how to play any instrument at all! Which brings me to my goal, I'm determined to teach myself with maybe some pointers from friends who already know what they are doing by the time my 27th birthday rolls around! If you have any advice I would love to hear it! 

Jesse's Girl

Friday, May 20, 2011

Quick Links::Thoughts

Good morning blog readers, today is sort of a mixture of a few different things: quick links, a future post, & thoughts.

First, of all here is a list of some favorite things this week/check out these quick links: Jesse and I love chairs, just the idea of sitting in a comfy leather wing back chair reading a book with a stainless steel floor lamp next to it just sounds perfect or a cozy rocking chair sounds magical! Everyone needs a good THINKIN' CHAIR! (ANTHROPOLOGIE). Next quick link would be COLOR, lately Ive been loving colorful decor and yarn, I can't walk into Michael's or Joannes without checking out what the yarn isle has to offer. As for Decor, I saw this amazing color pallet on Design Work Life (a favorite site), also check out Room Service. Lastly, another favorite would be Fringe, for this one I typed "fringe" into google and those photos came up, so try it!

Lately I've been promising a post on a recent estate sale find, I'm so excited to share it with you guys but I want to make sure I have the perfect photos and such before it's debuted. I'll keep you posted! It's definitely inspiring especially if you have a love for TYPOGRAPHY & DESIGN.

Lastly, My thoughts on life. Ive been talking about this topic with a few of my friends and just wanted to document it here. The stages of life are a strange thing, sometimes people think you have to do a certain job to be successful, own your own home or have a family by a certain age and so on. Why can't we just do what we think is best for us now? Jesse and I were talking and we know that what's best for us now is to just spend time together, do what we love to do and for Jesse that would be writing and for me it would be a plethora of things (I'm all over the map), travel, scope out new towns and places and when it's time for us to add a new member to our family or buy a house it will be an added bonus! Right  now I'll just have to hang out with my nephew more to get  my baby fill (cutest kid ever). Do what's best for you, not what you think other people think is the right way. 

I know that God has a plan for my life and so ultimately it's not what I want but what He wants for me and it's all good, like Ive said before as long as your walking than your headed in the right direction. Jeremiah 29:11

Jesse's Girl

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Typeface Tuesday has turned into Font Fun:: These are some of my favs right now!

Here are a few of my favorite font's as of late, they are fun and different and make all the difference when designing a fun little logo or invite! My favorite thing to do is sit with a client and get their vibe, inspirations, ideas & expectations going into a design project, it's the best when you are on the same page and are equally inspired by what you are creating for them! I've learned my lesson, I don't take gigs that don't inspire because then your doing the client a dis-service by not creating the best product you can and it's boring for the designer when you don't like what your creating! Anyways, hit me up if your in need of any branding for your biz, cards, invites, etc. Oh and here is TYPOLOGIE & Co.'s site for more inspiration.


Enjoy this fortune cookie fortune! I got it a LONG time ago and still have the little fortune on my fridge! 

Jesse's Girl

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello Everyone I just wanted to quickly fill you in on some local treasure hunting this weekend...last night as we were driving to Balboa Island for our nightly saunter,  and noticed the giant sign for the St. Andrews Rummage sale May 13-14, ** Great low prices! I found a vintage baby blue make up case,for a dollar or two last time I went, so you know you are guaranteed to find a find! 
Once we arrived to Balboa and started our walk we came across another sign but this was for the Balboa Island SALE! It starts 5/7 7:30am-3pm, this one is alright, you can find little fun things, but the prices are not great, You can get maps for the Island at 207 Pearl Ave.

Here are a few from the penny saver:
*Newport Beach Estate Sale Friday & Saturday 9am 1718 Marlin Way, Newport Beach
*Seal Beach Estate Sale Friday & Saturday, 9am - 3pm 4172 Candleberry (off Lampson)

For Others in your area check out these other guides and here.
 *Photo Courtesy of HELLO STUDIOS, a group of ARTIST who know how to take a photo!


Jesse's Girl

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday Quick Links :: Summer Fun :: Etc.

Here are a few of my favorite things today on [Wednesday quick links],
It’s been so sunny and warm the past couple of days and was so
inspired by summer!

I Featured artist in this post is Corey Leven, I saw him on a blog I
follow recently (design work life) and followed the link to his own
site. The minute I saw his prints I fell in LOVE, they are so

The Rompers are found at urban outfitters, as are the shoes.

*Summer Movie Recommendations:
I love Edie and Andy, their style and artistic vibe makes me happy! I
just watched Factory Girl with Sienna Miller and Guy Pierce, so if
you’re up for an entertaining movie than you should definitely take an
hour or two to watch it!

Jesse and I LOVE Jerry Seinfeld, so when Bee Movie came out we were
SOOOOOO excited! We definitely recommend watching this movie; it’ll
crack you up!!!


Blog Part  TWO:

I have been SO inspired by music lately and design combined with that
makes me even more inspired. I shared a quick link about Cory Leven
above but if you don’t have time to jump over to his site check out
one of his posters he created for The Arcade Fire (a fav of the Jesse
Husband) and The National (a fav of mine and the husband).


Jesse’s Girl