I'm so excited to feature Melinda Hagman today on the blog! She is a friend of mine and Jesse's and is super talented. I love her art because it's new and fresh, the idea of doing a painting a week on a theme or topic is so interesting, it's amazing to see what her mind produces. This is definitely a project I enjoy following, I hope you do to. My favorites are Week's 17, 19, & 21. Enjoy.
Amber: Why did you decide to do this "flowers" project and how long are you doing it for?
Melinda: I got the idea for the "flowers" project from a friend. He was writing a short story once a week for the year. It was the first week of the year and I had just painted one flower painting and the idea hit me. So, I told my friend that I was going to steal his idea and do a flower painting once a week for the year. It was exactly what I needed to do. I had stopped painting after my first child was born almost eight years ago. For the last 3 years I have been saying, "I should start painting again." I would do maybe one painting and then that was it. Now I have made a promise and that I will keep.
I chose only to do "flowers" because I wanted to challenge myself. It would be easier if I painted whatever I wanted every week; the challenge of making flowers different each week and playing with different styles and just to practice was my goal.
Amber: What or who inspires you?
Melinda: Van Gogh and Picasso (Picasso's blue period) are the two artists that have influenced me most. I also love Marc Chagall and Egon Schiele. They all have such a way to convey emotion through their art and that is what attracts me to them. Music also inspires me, the sadder the better - violins are always good (i.e.. Warren Ellis.)
Amber: How long have you been into art?
Melinda: My first memory of wanting to be an artist was in junior high. I had painted a picture of a horse that everyone loved. I remember clearly one of the teachers telling me I should be an artist. I believed her. I took art classes in high school and that's almost all I took in college. It really took me by surprise to learn you couldn't get a degree with only a bunch of art classes to show for it ;) Also, my mom was taking art classes while I was growing up and that also influenced me. She did such nice work, I wanted to too.
Amber: Do you do anything else besides paint?
Melinda: I pretty much exclusively paint. I would like to do more sketching and ink work in the near future. I also love messing around with Photoshop; I can waste half a day with that program.
Flowers Week 2
Flowers Week 6
Flowers Week 12
Flowers Week 21
[Here is some more art by Melinda]
If you like what you see and want to purchase a piece go here ---->,
Melinda's Etsy Shop
Or if you want to keep up on Melinda's "flowers" project and other art go here ---->
Art By Melinda
Jesse's Girl